Support for the Homeless Veterans project, “Homes For Heroes”, continues to grow across the State.

On Thursday the 28th of May, Penrith RSL Club conducted a fundraising night at Penrith Paceway which raised $10,565 for the Homeless Veterans project. The Club and Sub-branch have each committed $10,000 a year for 3 years – a total of $60,000 and now an extra $10,565 has been added to this tremendous effort!

Geoff Evans, of the “Homes For Heroes”, addressed the gathering and explained the importance of this campaign and where the funds are being used to support our veterans in need. He was supported by one of his current residents in the program, Captain Peter Mullally.

All RSL and Services Clubs across NSW, as well as their RSL sub-Branches, are asked to commit to the program for three years, at $8,400 a year. This is eligible as a Category 1 contribution in the ClubGRANTs Scheme. It is also considered a Tier 1 contribution in the RSL donations program, as the money goes directly to RSL Life Care, who are administering the “Homes For Heroes” program.

For more information regarding
Homes for Heroes visit:

