Penrith RSL Club would like to acknowledge the hard work, dedication and contribution our life members have made towards the Club. We are proud to have so many members, now Life Members who have made such an impact on who we are, what we have and what we represent in the community. for this, we are always thankful and grateful.

A.M. Buller

J.M. Grace

T.J. Parkes

A.L.F Jay

J.W. Rudd

F.J. Hansen

H. Connell

R.C.F. Cooper – (1975)

R.A. Ellison – (1976)

D.G. Smith – (1976)

A.G. Kinder – (1977)

J.F. Hinch – (1978)

D.D. Morphett – (1978)

J.D. Rattenbury – (1978)

J.R. Cooke – (1979)

P.N. Taylor – (1981)

R.N. Levinge – (1982)

S.J. Wildman – (1982)

W.N. Wade – (1989)

K.M. Rogers – (1990)

M.J. Soper – (1992)

W.F. Rodney – (1993)

C.W. Kensey – (1993)

A.R. Tolland – (1994)

R.L. Selby – (1995)

C.F. Connor – (2005)
N. K. Barnier OAM, GAICD – (2017)
Neville is a past President of the City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch and Blue Mountains Vietnam Veterans Association. Neville was also a Director of The Australian Foundation for Disability for 34 years, the last 3 as Chairman. He introduced the Homes for Heroes program into Western Sydney and served as a Director of the Veterans Benevolent Fund. He was awarded the Penrith City Council Citizen of the Year in 2004 and a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellowship for service to the community. On Australia Day 2018 Neville was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for services to people with a disability and to the community of Penrith.
S. Hauer – (2017)
J. May – (2020)
Jenni is passionate about the RSL; her father served in the Army in Vietnam and her son served in the Australian Army including a tour of Afghanistan.
Jenni has a strong relationship with the community being President of the Sub club Netball Club for 25 years and held positions in the Penrith District Netball Association Executive, supporting her commitment to youth and sport in the local area. She has been a committee member of various community organisations and volunteer initiatives and is a huge supporter of special functions including Penrith RSL's annual International Women's Day Breakfast.
She has vast management experience, qualifications and expertise in Human Resources, Quality, Compliance and Training. Jenni has liaised with and assisted intra-clubs navigate diverse issues and assisted establish disciplinary guide-lines, by-laws and constitutional changes and subsidy submissions. These skills have also assisted with development projects at the club. She has completed her Certificate IV in Governance supporting the Boards compliance requirements.
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